Monday, July 20, 2009

Week 5, Question 10

Throughout Dwight Okita's "Executive Order" a feeling of misunderstood social identity is presented. Okita uses a young Japanese/American girl who states, I have always felt funny using chopsticks...and my favorite food is hot dogs" (971), which shows how Americanized she is and how her customs are no longer of her native land, but of the region in which she has become accustomed to. Her life has has changed and with it, her way of thinking has as well. So much to the degree that she is hostile towards her country, "'Your trying to start a secrets away to the enemy...Why can't you keep you big mouth shut?'" (971). The girl has obviously lost her relation to the Japanese country and in turn has become linked to America and its ways.

1 comment:

  1. I do agree with you, but I believe it was her friend that said, "'Your trying to start a secrets away to the enemy...Why can't you keep you big mouth shut?'" (971). And obviously she has become very close to the American culture that she has begun to lose her own Japanese culture.
